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Refund and Returns Policy

No returns or refunds of goods will be accepted after the point of delivery. GO-Labs reserve the right to offer a buyback value for goods that are no longer required by the vendor, however this is at the total discretion of GO-Labs.

All of our quotations are subject to confirmation on the receipt of order, and we reserve the right to amend errors and/or omissions on quotations or invoices.

Any prices that are under our direct control, or prices given on quotations will be held firm if an order is received within thirty days from the date of quotation – unless specifically stated to the contrary.

With the exception of obvious errors and omissions, the prices that are served on the website for immediate purchase (webshop) and concluded in the payment system will be honoured.

All accounts will be on a pro forma basis unless agreed in advance. Any credit invoices will be made payable in full and there will be no deductions made unless a credit note has been issued. Any credit terms must be strictly adhered to. In the case of late payment the company shall be entitled to remove any discounts (if applicable) and to charge interest at the rate ruling at the Bank of England, plus 5%.
